27 February 2009

Sprinting Towards Socialism....

For many years we have heard how the country might have been "creeping" towards socialism. Many pundits (which is a term derived from the Hindu word for "learned man" - go figure....) dismissed this talk as the rantings of right wing, bomb shelter building & food stockpiling nutcases.

With the announcement of the "purchase" of nearly 36% of Citigroup's stock, I think it is safe to say that many of the pundits were woefully naive or willfully negligent in their reporting. Consider the actions of the current administration and tell me that we haven't accelerated the pace at which American economic freedoms aren't being eroded. The entire Bill of Rights is under attack in the name of "fairness" and "collective need" and the government educated and government funded "tax consumer" class is eagerly awaiting their next government handout.

There is some hope however, and it doesn't emanate from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Consider this from CNN on the 26th of February 2009. Lou Dobbs ran an entire program on the assault on the Bill of Rights, specifically the fFirst and Second Ammendments:

Freedom Under Fire

Tonight, every American’s individual rights and freedoms are under assault. Instead of upholding the Bill of Rights and defending this country’s most precious and individual freedoms, the Obama administration is waging an all-out war against them. This administration is trampling all over fundamental American rights, from freedom of speech to gun ownership, both enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the First and Second Amendments to our constitution.

Amazingly enough, this aired on CNN and is posted on Lou's Website. They were actually speaking truth about issues and taking U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to task for being more concerned witht he safety and security of Mexico, than the protection of the inalienable rights confered on citizens of this nation and guaranteed by our own Bill of Rights.

To paraphrase Fred Thompson; "This business will get out of control; it will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it...." from "The Hunt for Red October"