16 June 2009

I'm Part of Mike Huckabee's Blogger Army!

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We look forward to hearing back from you!

- The HucksArmy Blog Team

29 April 2009

Jimmy Carter: Not an NRA Member

I'm waiting for the transcript from Hannity's show tonight, but Jimmy Carter aired his opinion of the average gun owner in America today.

When asked about guns, Carter stated his personal affinity for guns. He clearly stated that he had been shooting since a young age and that he currently owned shotguns, handguns and rifles.

In what may be mildly described as a hypocritical statement, Carter expanded on guns by saying that (I'll paraphrase till the transcript is published...) 'no one wants to own an assault weapon. The only reason to own an assault weapon is to kill police officers or go to a school and see how many bodies one can rack up before turning the gun on themselves....'

Well, it certainly is nice to know what the average peanut farmer thinks of the free citizens of this country.

The federal government recognizes no limits on it's own power any more. They do not recognize the natural rights, those God given, inalienable rights contemplated in the Constitution.....

Where to begin? Repealing the 16th amendment would be a good start.....

Check back, I'll post the Carter link as soon as I can find it.

17 April 2009

Happy Birthday

Here's a photo of Mom and Dad from Christmas of 2003. Mom would have turned Eighty today. Mom was one of the most courageous people I have ever met. She faced her final year of life battling cancer, without complaining. Sara Louise Watson Palmer lost her battle with cancer on the 21st of December, 2008 but she most certainly won her victory.

Mom shared her birthday with her eighth grandchild, Joshua Ezekiel who was born on the 17th of April, 2008. Happy Birthday Josh1 Happy Birthday Mom, we miss you.....

Joshua Ezekiel is one today!


16 April 2009


I fear that we are in the same place as Israel following the Exodus: Be careful what you wish (or vote) for.......

I Samuel 8 1-22

Israel Demands a King

8 When Samuel became old, r he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3 Yet his sons did not walk in his ways s but turned aside after gain. t They took bribes and perverted justice.

4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at p Ramah 5 and said to him, “Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. u Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, v for they have not rejected you, w but they have rejected me from being king over them. 8 According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you. 9 Now then, obey their voice; only you shall solemnly warn them x and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them.”

Samuel's Warning Against Kings

10 So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him. 11 He said, y “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: z he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. 12 And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some a to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 b He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. 15 He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. 16 He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men [1] and your donkeys, and put them to his work. 17 He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. 18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, c but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

The Lord Grants Israel's Request

19 But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, “No! But there shall be a king over us, 20 d that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 21 And when Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the ears of the Lord. 22 And the Lord said to Samuel, e “Obey their voice and make them a king.” Samuel then said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.”

07 April 2009


I find it interesting that the questions which were once considered mere mental exercises are now becoming more and more relevant to our collective situation. One of the more common questions I used to hear is "what kind of rifle is best for....?" Well, best for what? It is an interesting question which bears exploration.

The inherent accuracy of a bolt-action rifle is a characteristic long appreciated by trained riflemen. However, for the versatility and volume of fire it provides, the semi-automatic rifle provides a decent balance between accuracy and capacity. Within the confines of the platform, the semi-automatic can be called upon to perform almost all of the tasks of a long range precision rifle with the added capabilities and flexibility to perform close-support tasks.

If you live in a rural area with open spaces then my opinion of your "best" choice would likely be a semi-automatic in a heavy .30 caliber like the 30-06 M1 Garand rifle or the Springfield M1A in 7.62 NATO (.308 Winchester). The .30 caliber rifle has real power at long ranges and the ability to engage targets at distance is one that you and your loved ones might well appreciate.

In a more urban setting, the 5.56 NATO (.223 Winchester) provides adequate power delivered at shorter ranges and with greater ammunition capacity. Most commonly found in the AR-15 platform, the 5.56 cartridge is smaller than the 7.62 which generally allows the operator to carry significantly more ammunition than users of the M1A platform.

Typical magazines for the M1A rifle hold 20 cartridges while the dimensionally smaller AR-15 magazine carries thirty rounds of ammunition. Load out for the M1A would be between three and four magazine pouches carrying two magazines each, for a total of six to eight magazines, or 120 to 160 rounds of ammunition plus 20 rounds in the rifle. In comparison, the typical battle load for the AR-15 consists of two mag carriers with three magazines each. A total of six magazines plus one in the gun equaling 210 rounds.

Now, why a battle rifle? We live in interesting times. Paranoia should not be the order of the day, however, preparedness is prudent. Alliterative thoughts aside, it is becoming more and more conceivable that we might find ourselves in a situation where a breakdown in law and order leaves us to our own devices for protecting person and property. Local law enforcement response time is never adequate in most crisis situations. Police officers and Sheriff's deputies are typically reactive in their operations, meaning that they will seldom, if ever, be on site when your event erupts. It is incumbent upon each of us to make preparations for our own protection regardless of the current status quo. By definition a crisis is typically unexpected, so preparedness is certainly called for. Take a lesson from the survivors of hurricane Katrina, when the unthinkable occurs, it's better to be prepared as opposed to being at the mercy of roving bands of strangers........

Ultimately, the best rifle is the one you have with you. My suggestions would be tailored to your locale and your lifestyle. A heavy barrel precision rifle might be fine for rural areas, but for a preparedness rifle, I will almost always default to a more portable platform. My reccomendation is that you and your family members (those who are mature and physically able to shoot) all train with the same platform. An even better reccomendation, if the budget will allow it, is that you maintain an inventory of more than one of the same type of rifle.

The M1 Garand rifle served the soldiers in Europe and in the Pacific over sixty years ago and it served them admirably. The platform has its limitations in capacity and operation. The M1A is considered the natural evolution of the Garand. It has served USGIs since the early days of the Vietnam conflict and is serving as a 'Designated Marksman' rifle in Iraq and Afghanistan today. It is available in a short carbine version which would be my personal choice as a good compromize between the full-powered battle rifle and the compact capabilities of the urban carbine.

For most civillians in urban settings, the AR-15 is the clear choice. The aray of acccesories available for this platform alow for so many options that it would take another essay just to discuss those options. However, the portability, light weight, accuracy capabilities and the ammunition capacaties make this an extremely versatile platform. Basic carbines are available for less than $1,000 and that makes the gun a bit lighter on the budget as well. The portability factor allows for easy transport, meaning you will likely have this rifle with you when you need it.

Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it....... or as a friend of mine once opined... "I carry a gun, because a cop is too heavy..."

For further discussion or for needs based consulting, please feel free to contact me at pbprecision@cox.net

26 March 2009

CHANGE (or lack thereof) to Charitable Giving Rules

Be concerned folks. The Obama administration has plans to cut tax deductions for charitable giving. Now please don't trot out the argument that it only affects the top 2% of taxpayers..... If deductions for charitable giving are cut, the donations to non-profit entities will see a dramatic decrease in funding...... The void in charitable giving means that more dollars will be flowing into the US Treasury. Dollars in the US Treasury can then be doled out to fill the vacuum in individual giving. When this happend, the federal government will have begun the process of 'nationalizing' non-profit businesses as well.

1% of the populaton earns 20% of the income in this country. that same 1% of the population PAYS approximatley 40% of all the tax revenue generated in the USA. Under these circumstances, it hardly seems right to raise taxes on people who are already paying for others.

Call your representatives and tell them to vote against this garbage!!!!

25 March 2009

Equality in Gainesville: If You're NOT Conservative

I'm wondering if we would get arrested for dumping tea in the retention pool by fire station #4?

24 March 2009

NEWS FLASH from Capitol Hill

The Secretary of the Treasury, (Tax Cheat) Timothy Geitner just told Representatives on Capitol Hill that there wouldn't be the types of problems we're seeing at AIG, with bonus payments and corporate waste, if the government could have seized control rather than just providing 'bailout money'.......

Be AFRAID! Fight for liberty!

Welfare of the Children????

I will not mention ANY names, so don't even ask. I promise that what I am relating is true and I'm certain that I don't even have all of the details.

Public schools have changed through the decades. You have to frame the discussion properly without resorting to emotion and hyperbole. When I say that the schools have changed, I am basing that statement upon my own observations as a student and now as a parent. I am also basing my thoughts on the empirical observations of my mother who was a classroom elementary teacher whose career spanned five decades (then she tutored privately for another few years making a six decade span in education). She could describe changes that would make you cry (if you cared)....

Framing the Debate:

Given; if you send your child to a private Hebrew school, they will be taught that the principles of Judaism are the best and should be adhered to.

If you send your child to a Catholic or a Baptist school, they will be taught that the principles of those religions are the best for governing their life.

Therefore it should be accepted as a statement of fact that if you send your children to Government schools, they will be taught that government is the solution to all the ills of society and that the tenants of big government are to be adhered to faithfully. (Like a religion...)

Note the allegory: Substitute government for religion and you have the same effect.

Schools that used to teach now indoctrinate. Schools that used to encourage free thinking now seek to pigeonhole and categorize. Schools that used to provide broad educational opportunities now turn out automatons who are capable of little more than parroting back what they've been shown. Do your kids learn anything or do they simply pass whatever standardized test your state administers?

Revisionist history is running rampant through the education system today. The very systems that were put in place to ensure the greatness of this nation, the systems that provided opportunity for people to rise and fall based on their merit not their birth title, those systems are being called perverted and biased in the name of 'equality'. In his 1906 novel "The Virginian" by Owen Wister, the author puts forth the theory from the founding documents of this very nation that 'all men are created equal....' however he goes on to define that process as one of creation only. Once we've been given a start, the rest is up to us and is a result of our choices and our actions. Equality is a myth of the liberal mindset and nothing to be chased. Achievement is earned and should not be 'given' by the government......

All of that preamble is to prepare you for the following short (true) story......

There is a school system in Florida that allows students (Jr. High age) to take out 'restraining orders' against other students for little or no reason. These same 'restraining orders' are then used to threaten suspension if they are violated. These orders are given without parental notification and when pressed for answers, parents are told that they are not entitled to info because it would violate the other student's privacy...... WHAT??

What would have been a simple squabble between students twenty five years ago is now a freaking federal case in the eyes of school administrators..... This story reminds me of the 'ZERO TOLERANCE' policies that presume guilt before innocence. IF you have something as benign as Tylenol or Midol in your possession, you are in possession of a controlled substance. Heaven forbid you give another student said Tylenol or Midol because now you are 'distributing a controlled substance' and there is no defense and no explanation accepted.

In other words, there is no due process of law. Do you want your children growing up in an environment where they are cowed by the state into submission and where the rule of law is absolute and not to be questioned?

There are good people working within the system. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost admiration for those quality, caring teachers who want nothing but the best for their students. I fear that they are few and far between though. They are fighting back the tide with the proverbial teaspoon..... God bless people like my sister (High School teacher, extraordinaire) who still give a damn about individual children in her class. However, a pox upon administrators who care more for 'process' than progress.

To my way of thinking, parents have two choices; Get involved and demand change from the school system. Either be an agent for change or stop your complaining. Your other choice is to 'vote with your feet' and pull your student's out of the public schools. Either home-school them or enroll them in private schools. Vote for candidates who support vouchers if you can't afford private school, but do something.

Death & Taxes

Something to think about:

Obviously, if the government thinks it can tax AIG executives to the tune of 90% (in order to recover the payments of bonus money that Congress itself authored and authorized....) just what do you think they'll do to you?

'Oh, I'm too small for them to worry about' : Wrong! You're too small to be able to defend yourself adequately.

'I don't make enough money for them to bother with me' : Wrong! The liberal mindset says you can't manage you own affairs and therefore, you shouldn't make anything other than what they 'give' you....

Do you understand the the IRS Code looks at your income as theirs? They account for the income you keep as a 'Tax Expenditure' or in other words, the revenue you keep is money they didn't get to keep in the treasury for themselves.

Taxes on e-bay income are coming. Taxes on garage sale income are coming. Taxes on 'imputed income' (intangible benefits you receive like owning a home below market value or saving $$ by purchasing a used car when everyone else in the neighborhood has more expensive vehicles), those are coming too. In their world view it isn't 'FAIR' that you were smart with your money while the family down the street is struggling to pay for their two houses, their two cars and their boat...... What that means is the family down the street doesn't have any money to tax and since you do, the feds will take yours.......

Wake up and see that if the Federal Government thinks it can seize private banks, that it also thinks that it has the right an responsibility to take control of other privately held businesses!

Small business is the backbone of the economy. The President himself admitted that a couple of weeks ago when he was trying to sell (ram down our throats...) another stimulus package to the American people..... Does that mean small business owners are on his radar now?

Banana Republic dictators think twice before proposing the actions that our elected officials are currently contemplating......

The Junta running Washington, D.C. needs to be voted out of office while we still have the opportunity to do so.

23 March 2009

The Death of Liberty

"So this is how liberty dies; to thunderous applause....."
Padme Amidala to Senator Organa - Star Wars Episode III

The ignorance of the "Dumb Masses" never ceases to amaze me. Like the street-corner huckster with the shells and the pea, the President, the media and Congress have seemingly pulled the wool over the collective eyes of the populace. How on earth can free men stand idle while elected officials, with the active assistance of a complicit media, demonize the payment of contractual bonuses to AIG executives?

Don't get me wrong, I wonder how someone fails to keep a company solvent yet still gets a bonus. But the premise being reported is a false one to begin with. The Secretary of the Treasury, Tim (the TAX CHEAT) Geithner, Senator Christopher Dodd (Ted Kennedy's drinking buddy) and the CEO of the United States ALL knew about the bonuses to be paid to AIG execs. When it became politically expedient to point the finger of blame, they chose to shame the AIG executives, not the process of passing a monstrosity of a "stimulus bill" and certainly not to cast themselves in a negative light over loopholes and lack of oversight......... I don't think these idiots have a clue as to what they are doing......

They have thoroughly confused the issue and the uneducated among us don't seem to even care. In the name of righteous liberal anger (read: class warfare....), the leftists have kept the public looking for the pea while they keep moving those shells around. The really dirty secret, for those of you who have never played the shell game, is that the true professional huckster has puloined the pea and it isn't under any of the shells that are being deftly manipulated across the board.....

The American people have swallowed this mess hook, line and sinker.

Personally, I'm considering hoarding ammo & toilet paper.......

27 February 2009

Sprinting Towards Socialism....

For many years we have heard how the country might have been "creeping" towards socialism. Many pundits (which is a term derived from the Hindu word for "learned man" - go figure....) dismissed this talk as the rantings of right wing, bomb shelter building & food stockpiling nutcases.

With the announcement of the "purchase" of nearly 36% of Citigroup's stock, I think it is safe to say that many of the pundits were woefully naive or willfully negligent in their reporting. Consider the actions of the current administration and tell me that we haven't accelerated the pace at which American economic freedoms aren't being eroded. The entire Bill of Rights is under attack in the name of "fairness" and "collective need" and the government educated and government funded "tax consumer" class is eagerly awaiting their next government handout.

There is some hope however, and it doesn't emanate from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Consider this from CNN on the 26th of February 2009. Lou Dobbs ran an entire program on the assault on the Bill of Rights, specifically the fFirst and Second Ammendments:

Freedom Under Fire

Tonight, every American’s individual rights and freedoms are under assault. Instead of upholding the Bill of Rights and defending this country’s most precious and individual freedoms, the Obama administration is waging an all-out war against them. This administration is trampling all over fundamental American rights, from freedom of speech to gun ownership, both enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the First and Second Amendments to our constitution.

Amazingly enough, this aired on CNN and is posted on Lou's Website. They were actually speaking truth about issues and taking U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to task for being more concerned witht he safety and security of Mexico, than the protection of the inalienable rights confered on citizens of this nation and guaranteed by our own Bill of Rights.

To paraphrase Fred Thompson; "This business will get out of control; it will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it...." from "The Hunt for Red October"

04 February 2009

The Audacity of "Nope"

For my very first post, I chose to celebrate the defeat of Tom Daschle at the hands of the outraged citizens who struggle to live their lives under an oppressive and regressive tax structure. This cabinet appointment was a slap in the face to voters who supported an Obama Presidency based on the promise of "Change" and the promise of keeping lobbyist money out of Washington D.C.

Well, coming on the stimulus package vote which garnered not ONE single Republican vote, I would say that the honeymoon is over and it sure was a short one.......

Just remember, we had to have Carter in order to get Regan.....