"So this is how liberty dies; to thunderous applause....."
Padme Amidala to Senator Organa - Star Wars Episode III
The ignorance of the "Dumb Masses" never ceases to amaze me. Like the street-corner huckster with the shells and the pea, the President, the media and Congress have seemingly pulled the wool over the collective eyes of the populace. How on earth can free men stand idle while elected officials, with the active assistance of a complicit media, demonize the payment of contractual bonuses to AIG executives?
Don't get me wrong, I wonder how someone fails to keep a company solvent yet still gets a bonus. But the premise being reported is a false one to begin with. The Secretary of the Treasury, Tim (the TAX CHEAT) Geithner, Senator Christopher Dodd (Ted Kennedy's drinking buddy) and the CEO of the United States ALL knew about the bonuses to be paid to AIG execs. When it became politically expedient to point the finger of blame, they chose to shame the AIG executives, not the process of passing a monstrosity of a "stimulus bill" and certainly not to cast themselves in a negative light over loopholes and lack of oversight......... I don't think these idiots have a clue as to what they are doing......
They have thoroughly confused the issue and the uneducated among us don't seem to even care. In the name of righteous liberal anger (read: class warfare....), the leftists have kept the public looking for the pea while they keep moving those shells around. The really dirty secret, for those of you who have never played the shell game, is that the true professional huckster has puloined the pea and it isn't under any of the shells that are being deftly manipulated across the board.....
The American people have swallowed this mess hook, line and sinker.
Personally, I'm considering hoarding ammo & toilet paper.......
23 March 2009
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The principle problem is that the masses, happy with their lovely homes, car payments, little league, and Disney vacations, don't care what happens as long as their little "bubble" doesn't burst. Why the apathy? Try this one on for size. The public education system teaches that government is inherently good. What about what they aren't teaching?!? This is just another reason to home educate your children. Think on that.
ReplyDeleteI am a proud advocator of the public school system. I was educated there and received an excellent education, my children are being educated there and are likewise receiving an excellent education. I agree that, perhaps, creationism should be taught in the public schools as an alternative theory to evolution, but the truth is that there is much more scientific proof of evolution than there is of creationism, so I can see where a government that is supposed to keep church and state separate would choose not to teach creationism in the public classrooms.
ReplyDeleteI am an Obama supporter and certainly do not consider myself one of the "Dumb Masses", in fact, quite the contrary. The stimulus bill was a necessary evil enacted to fix the problems that occurred during the Presidency of the imcompetent George W. Bush, someone who probably should have never become President to begin with. A brain trust he certainly is/was NOT. He graduated from Yale with barely a C average and is/was not extraordinary in any way. Absent his family money he would have NEVER risen through the ranks. Now it is left up to the Obama administration to fix the mess he has left. I pray, as should everyone else in our country, that he and his team can solve the problems with our economy. As flawed as our government is, it is the best government the human race has come up with so far on this planet. It provides its citizens with the most freedom and the most wealth of any other country and I am proud to be an American.
Your last two sentences should be written in the past tense as I fear that those things that made America great are quickly being swept into the ashcan of history. I am proud to be an American as well, but I didn't vote for nor will I support candidates and legislation which move us over the brink of socialism....
ReplyDeleteYou are missing the point of both the blog post and Nancy's comment. So, let me speak in plain terms that you can understand.
The bailout that helped out some companies, such as AIG, was so they could stay afloat and meet their contractual obligations (aka things on paper, with a signature, saying it would be paid). But, then our government attached a 90% tax on the contractual bonuses, thus penalizing those who got a bonus. On top of that, the company then has to turn around and repay the government.
Now, lets address the economy. Follow the paper trail my dear, and you will find that the administration running this great country are the ones that caused this mess to begin with...the economy just started going south during Bush's term. By assuming that it was Bush, because things started going bad during his term is showing your ignorance. The paper trail leads to Obama and his lackeys. It amazes me that anyone would think that the same guys that started this trouble, could solve the problem!!!
Well, I would hate to measure a man by his grades/degree in college, as some great men never went to or finished college...such as Bill Gates. The public school system and even the college system overall produces workers...not free thinkers! A man can be highly educated without ever setting foot on a college/university campus. And, why bring up evolution or creation? I guess you felt the need to unburden your heart of all the things you think or feel! Well, all those lies we were told in school, and I believed, were revealed to me as of late! My husband is a geologist/environmental engineer and has worked with both carbon dating & global warming...both of which he calls fallacies! But, that is another post!
Hopping off my soapbox and hoping not to leave too large a carbon footprint! :::eyeroll:::
Traci, Mom to 8, so far