26 March 2009

CHANGE (or lack thereof) to Charitable Giving Rules

Be concerned folks. The Obama administration has plans to cut tax deductions for charitable giving. Now please don't trot out the argument that it only affects the top 2% of taxpayers..... If deductions for charitable giving are cut, the donations to non-profit entities will see a dramatic decrease in funding...... The void in charitable giving means that more dollars will be flowing into the US Treasury. Dollars in the US Treasury can then be doled out to fill the vacuum in individual giving. When this happend, the federal government will have begun the process of 'nationalizing' non-profit businesses as well.

1% of the populaton earns 20% of the income in this country. that same 1% of the population PAYS approximatley 40% of all the tax revenue generated in the USA. Under these circumstances, it hardly seems right to raise taxes on people who are already paying for others.

Call your representatives and tell them to vote against this garbage!!!!

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